“I was offered an opportunity to accelerate my career through a work placement with renowned designer, Annie Atkins in Dublin, Ireland. Thanks to a scholarship for international travel, I was able to accept the placement. I’ve learned so much in just four weeks. I will be forever thankful to the generous Scholarship donor.”
– Lucy McCullough
NIDA Design Student and Scholarship Recipient
Scholarships make an incredible impact on the lives of NIDA students. Without scholarship funds donated by NIDA’s philanthropic community, many talented and skilled students wouldn’t have the opportunity to study with Australia’s leading arts institution. Scholarships allow these students to continue or complete their studies, and undertake international placements that are essential to enhancing their performing arts skills and optimising their careers.
Some of the biggest names in Australian performing arts today have been recipients of scholarships. It’s thanks to the generosity of our sponsors that these artists have been able to become renowned stars after their positive learning experience at NIDA.
Scholarships and awards can be given:
- to support financially, culturally or socially disadvantaged students
- to support students from remote and regional areas
- to support First Nations students
- to support culturally and linguistically diverse students
- to enable international or interstate travel to undertake a student placement
- to enable a student to purchase personal equipment in order to support their studies
- to cover students’ living expenses
- to award a graduating student who has achieved excellence in their time at NIDA.
How our Scholarships work
Scholarships can be named for their benefactor, or a benefactor’s family or foundation, to honour a loved one or to encourage excellence in a discipline.
Funded by our generous donors, foundations and bequestors, NIDA student scholarships are given to assist with living costs or towards education fees. Scholarships are allocated to students on the basis of financial need and are paid on a fortnightly basis during the school year. The value of individual scholarships range approximately from $1,000 to $30,000 annually, depending on need, the funds available for that year and the discipline being studied.
Contact Us
For more information on donating a scholarship or an award, please contact Lisa Hamilton, Head of Development by phone on 02 9697 7594, or email [email protected] or [email protected].