Image from The Cat, directed by Amelia Burke in the 2020 Festival of Emerging Artists.
The joyous, artist-led energy of theFestival of Emerging Artiststakes over NIDA each year inDecember.Previously known as the Directors’ and Designers’ Graduating Productions,the Festival brings togetherthecapstoneprojectsoftheDirectingstudents,witheach workselected by them independently,reflecting their individuality as artists and vision for the future.
Theirunbounded creativeideasarethengiven the full support of the school. Theypartnerwitha production designer,usuallya final-year Design for Performance student,andcollaboratewithcreativeleaders from everydiscipline at NIDAto bringtheir production to life.
The festive spirit of this season is also fueled by external collaborations.Many ofNIDA’s recentActing graduatestake thisopportunityto returnandwork with their NIDA peers and friends, and the Directing studentsalsodraw upon theirextendednetworks to bring inwriters,actorsand other collaborators from the wider community.
After a year of honingtheircraft, creativity, and collaboration skills through live performance and multimedia projects, the Festival of Emerging Artistsallows the Directing students toconnect with contemporary audiences and express their unique directorial potential.
As Head of Directing Dr BenjaminSchostakowskiexpressed it, ‘These productions stand as a testament to the ambitious creative artists moving into a radically changing and evolving arts climate.’
In 2020, the Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, showcased eight live performances.
Anne Carson’sANTIGONICK, a fresh and frenetic translation of Sophocles’Antigone,wasdirected by ZoeHollyoakwith set and costume design by T.A Burg,lighting and video design by Morgan Moroneyand sound design by Zac Saric:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, ANTIGONICK. Photographer: Patrick Boland
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, ANTIGONICK. Photographer: Patrick Boland
Liam McIlwain directedthe posthumously discovered Tennessee Williams’ tragedyAnd Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens…,with set and costume design by Liv Hutley,lighting design by Morgan Moroneyandsound design by Fiona Harding:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, And Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens… Photographer: Patrick Boland
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, And Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens… Photographer: Patrick Boland
Lally Katz’s delightfully absurd romcomThe Cat wasdirected by Amelia Burke with set and costume design byIzSperling,music composed by BenProvestand Daniel Herten,lighting design by Morgan Moroneyand sound design by Daniel Herten:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, The Cat. Photographer: Patrick Boland
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, The Cat. Photographer: Patrick Boland
Mark Bolotin wroteand directedIcarus, a strange and visually striking adaptation of the Greek mythwith set and costume design by Ruru Zhu,lighting design by Thomas Bensley,sound design by Trillian Vieraand video design by Cameron Smith:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, Icarus. Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, Icarus. Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams
DRRRM Play, a punk-inspired response (revolt?) to Strindberg’s epicA Dream Play,wasadapted by Jordyn Fulcher and directed by Matthew Latham, with set and costume design by Jordan Leah,lighting design by Thomas Bensley,sound design by JessicaPizzingaand video design by Zoe Davis:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, DRRRM Play. Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, DRRRM Play. Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams
Special guest, 2019 Directing graduateSamuel Lucas Allenreturned todirectDracula, a fever-dream of gothic mayhem inspired by the haunting Bram Stoker novel, with set design byguest artistNick Fry*, costume design by SidneyTulau,lighting design by Thomas Bensley,sound design by Ella Van Damand video design by Cameron Smith:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, Dracula. Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, Dracula. Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams
And a Happy New Year…, a holiday season ghost story for 2020,waswritten byWriting for Performance studentSophie Davisanddirected by Sophie Benassi, with set and costume design by Merette Boutros,lighting design by Jesse Greig,sound design byMellitaVertiganand video design by Rose Mulcare:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, And a Happy New Year… Photographer: Phil Erbacher
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, And a Happy New Year… Photographer: Phil Erbacher
so/lo, a mesmeric memory play inspired by the parableThe Judgment of King Solomon, wasdirected and devised by Ruby Rees with the ensemble, with set and costume design byguest artistElla Butler,lighting design by Jesse Greig,sound design by Jordan Jeckellsandvideo design by Rose Mulcare:
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, so/lo. Photographer: Phil Erbacher
Festival of Emerging Artists 2020, so/lo. Photographer: Phil Erbacher
Save the date: 8–11 December for the Festival of Emerging Artists 2021! Be welcomed by the NIDA community and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere. More information here closer to the time.