NIDA welcomes Lessac Master Vocal instructor Nancy Krebs from the USA

NIDA has welcomed Lessac Master Vocal Teacher Nancy Krebs from the USA to mentor Head of Voice Katerina Moraitis and facilitate a unique three-week voice intensive.

Photo above: The Lessac intensive group with Nancy Krebs (centre)
Photo below: NIDA Head of Voice Katerina Moraitis (right) in the intensive workshop

NIDA has welcomed Lessac Master Vocal Teacher Nancy Krebs from the USA to mentor Head of Voice Katerina Moraitis and facilitate a unique three-week voice intensive for vocal teachers, students, broadcasters and performers.

Nancy Krebs will be mentoring Katerina Moraitis in her journey to become a Master Vocal Teacher. Katerina Moraitis has been teaching voice for over 21 years.

Nancy has been teaching the Lessac Kinesensic Training as the Senior Voice Instructor and Vocal Coach for the Theatre Department at the Baltimore School for the Arts since 1981. ‘I wouldn’t use any other approach to voice and body training,’ said Nancy. ‘I have used it in my professional life as a performer, and I have taught it exclusively since 1981. I have never found any vocal problem that couldn’t be solved with this work.’

Nancy said that the Lessac training, developed by the American vocal expert Arthur Lessac, is perfect for educators, performance professionals and communications professionals.

‘You have to train the body before you train the voice, as the voice lives inside the body,’ said Nancy. ‘Lessac training relies on sensations that we feel within us, rather than on outside imagery, or imitation, rote drill or inspiration,’ she said. ‘It is a gentle, self-teaching modality that (in the words of Arthur Lessac)”feels good, sounds good, looks good, moves forward and communicates” ‘ she said.

The program includes private and group instruction on all the crucial aspects of the voice including body alignment and breathing, physical fitness, tonal energy, projection for the stage and formal situations and more.

Applications are now open for a Master of Fine Arts (Voice) at NIDA. Apply now at:

About Nancy Krebs:

Nancy Krebshas been teaching the LessacKinesensic Training for over 28 years and attained Master Teacher status in 2002 from Arthur Lessac himself and Senior Master Teacher Sue Ann Park. She has been teaching the Lessactraining as the Senior Voice Instructor and Vocal Coach for the Theatre Department at the Baltimore School for the Arts since 1981. Shewas the Associate Director for the Lessac Intensive Summer Workshop from 2000-2004 where she hasinstructed alongside Arthur Lessac, Sue Ann Park, Deb Kinghorn, Barry Kur, Kathleen Dunn, Kate Ingram and Mary Thomas-Sala. In the summer of 2005, she and fellow Master Teacher BarryKur created a One WeekIntroductionto the Lessac Kinesensic TrainingatDePauw University in Greencastle, IN, which later she led at The University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA with Kate Ingram in May of 2007. She andProf. Kuralso created a One Week Teacher Training Workshop at DePauw, and have taught it together since that time. Nancywasone of three Master Teachers of different voice pedagogies (Lessac, Fitzmaurice and Linklater)featured at William and Mary College for the Voice Methods workshopin June of 2005 and in NYC in 2008 organized by Amy Sue Fall. She has been the Co-Director of the Lessac Summer Intensive Workshops with Master Teacher Deb Kinghorn since 2006, and served on the board of directors of the Lessac Training and Research Institute since its inception in 2004-2010. Nancy has also taught privately in her own studio since 1994.

Interested in studying at NIDA? Applications are now open: