Introducing The Drover, a warrior character developed and created by NIDA’s first-yearBFA (Properties and Objects)students, who were inspired by the world ofMad Max.Conceptualised during lockdown, the team worked with industry specialists, using new technologies and a variety of materials (both found and crafted) to bring their warrior to life. See how each element of the outfit was created in thisfull video.
The project was carried out by six students, working independently on components of the costumefrom their home studios.With mentoring by NIDA tutors and industry specialists, they used techniques including3Ddigitalmodelling inZBrush,siliconemoulding,dyeingmaterials, leather work,casting inpolyurethane,cutting, shaping,sanding,andscenic painting withacrylics.
NIDA studentConnorPalmer worked on the team creating the video, and sharedsome fun facts:
- Some of the animal bones you can see on the costume are 3D printed, some were cast in resin, and some are real chicken bones. Hard to tell which is which!
- Many materials on the costume are real found objects: old bicycle chain, disusedmotor cycletyres and a computer fan were all incorporated into the design.
- The shirt had to be dyed three times, as it kept turning out bright purple.
- All the nails and bolts sticking out of the costume areactually flexible urethane (like rubber) so that no one gets hurt in real life.
- The ram skull helmet was made twice: one version was a flexible rubber and the other is solid like rock, can you tell which one was used?
- One of the very last steps was ageing the costume using real mud and red sand mixed with glue and shellac.
One member of the classcompleted the entire project in Newcastle.All the materialswere shippedup to him, including a 3D printer,and he sent back some freaky-looking Mad Max themed boots and a respirator.
Applications to study the BFA (Properties and Objects) at NIDA next year in 2022 close on 29 October. Visit