NIDA acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we learn and tell stories, the Bidjigal, Gadigal, Dharawal and Dharug peoples, and we pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past and present.


From a hobby to a career in film, TV and fashion make-up

Above: the Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make up Services) class of 2021 in the new Make-up studio at NIDA.

‘Many of the tutors on this course are professionals already working in the fashion, film, television and theatre industry,’ explains SandraWograndl, make-up artist, hair stylist and tutor on intense one-year Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make-up Services). ‘They often ask the students to assist them, in places like Sydney Opera House, production companies working on video clips,short films, TV commercials and fashion shoots.

‘Since they left the course last year, several of our students have worked on major productions, for exampleFrozen the Musical, and film productions with Hollywood studios or cosplay exhibitions likeSupanova, ‘ said Sandra.

Above: Ahdinda Ley (left) and Lachie Masters at work at NIDA on ‘era looks.’

AhdindaLey discovered her flair and passion for makeup during lockdown in 2020.Originally from Byron Bay in northern NSW, she had beenfollowinga path to engineering through university, andthenhad ‘a light bulb moment in lockdown’.

‘I thought what do I really want to do? What do I have the drive for now? There’s no time like the present I thought. I had a quarterlife crisis. At the sametimeI was loving creating looks on my family and friends. I spoke to everyone Iknewand they encouraged me to apply to NIDA.

‘I really wanted to learn from the best, with NIDA’s reputation and prestige, and get the best skills. Shoot for the stars I thought, so I applied and got in. It was the greatest day when I got in! My life has changed!’saidAhdinda.

Above: the Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make up Services) includes hair styling and wig work.

JoshanRamadanidiscovered his talent for make-up in 2020 during lockdownin Canberra. ‘I was bored in quarantine and wanted to pick up a new hobby. I started working on myself withmake-up athome with my parents and discovered that I really loved it. At NIDA,I loveworking onbig looks,avantgardestyles, and would love to get into fashion and film � I am excited to work on special effects as well.’

From the Northern Beaches of Sydney,Lachie Mastersalways knewhe would beinvolved intheperformingarts.’Make-up and stylingwas the only choice for me. I wantto be the bestin the industry.I love crazy looks and drag looks and exaggerated styles. That’s what I love aboutstudying atNIDA -we work on so many differentlooks!Meeting peopleherewiththeirconnectionsand experiencemakes it less scary to gooutinto the industry � we know how it works.’

Feeling inspired? All fees for NIDA courses are free for 2021 applications if you apply by 30 September. for all the information. CUA51020 Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make-up Services).