A Pox on Both your Houses

Home News & Events Past Productions 2020 June A Pox on Both your Houses

Written by
Deborah Pollard

Directed by
Deborah Pollard

A Pox on Both your Houses

About the show

Take your seat at home over three nights as three different love stories in adversity and separation play out in live and prerecorded scenes.  

On the first night, revisit the well-known plot of Romeo and Juliet with a tech twist. The world’s most famous lovers are using contemporary technology to interact, but it keeps failing and they lose contact. Juliet goes in search of Romeo on various social media platforms.  

On night two, be transported to 1918 to follow Betty and Allan in a vividly imaginative depiction of the impact of the Spanish Flu and the horrors of WW1 on a young Sydney couple.  

On the final night, join a virtual dinner date with two young men, Conor and Ryan, who have just met online. Audience members will be invited to cook the same meal a few hours before the show and to enjoy it while they watch the date unfold…

Directed by leading experimental Australian performance, theatre and installation artist Deborah Pollard.

Part 1‘Tis a Zoom Bomber Juliet!: 4 Aug, 7pm (AEST)
Part 2 Dear Betty: 5 Aug, 7pm (AEST)
Part 3 A Dinner for Two: 6 Aug, 7pm (AEST)
Broadcast of all 3 parts: 7–9 Aug, 7pm (AEST) and 9 Aug, 11am (AEST)


In order of appearance

Philip D’Ambrosio

Thomas Loveluck

Alana Stewart


Creative Team

Deborah Pollard*

Costume Designer

Rita Naidu

Set & Props Designer 
Ruru Zhu

Technical Designer 
Fiona Lloyd Harding

Technical Systems Supervisor 
Isaac Barron

Voice Coach 
Simon Masterton*

Voice Support 
Gareth Isaac

Production Team

Costume Supervisor 
Avril Bradbury-Hoath

Third year Project

Manager Jesse Greig

Second year Project Manager 
Nathan Sandy
Sophie Jones

First year Project Manager 
Bella Thompson

Costume Assistants 
Sarah Murdoch
Esther Zhong

Props Assistants
Connor McCool
Madison Williams

Design Assistant
Jade McElroy

Construction Assistant 
Angus Nott 

Technical Support 
Jodi Rabinowitz

Technical Systems Supervisor 
Isaac Barron

Meet the cast

* Guest
** Staff
*** Diploma of Stage and Screen Performance

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