Paloma Renouf (Musical Theatre, 2023) has made an impressive debut in the international production of Miss Saigon, taking on an Ensemble role and Gigi Cover during the show’s Asia tour. Having completed her Diploma of Musical Theatre at NIDA, Paloma is quickly making her mark on the industry, bringing her unique perspective to this acclaimed musical. In this interview, Paloma reflects on her experience joining the tour, the skills she gained from her time at NIDA, and what it means to perform in such a culturally significant production.
Congratulations on your Musical Theatre debut as Ensemble/Gigi Cover in Miss Saigon in Manila. What was it like joining the international tour of this acclaimed musical?
It has been an absolute privilege to join the company of Miss Saigon at the start of this year and be a part of the show’s legacy. I joined the show as part of the Asia tour recast which meant that the show already had an established cast. This meant that I had the opportunity to develop my own interpretation and narrative of the characters that I was fortunate enough to portray which was a challenging and demanding process requiring hard work and collaboration.
This show meant so much to me personally. It is rooted in a deeply troubled history, so I made sure to approach each rehearsal and performance with integrity and respect for the people that I was portraying. Every night I sought to honour the people that have lived out the story of Miss Saigon and paid tribute to them. I was also fortunate enough to cover the role of Gigi. She embodies strength and power whilst also being immensely vulnerable. Holding the responsibility to portray her and to have made my principal debut at 18 was a real privilege. Alongside this, I am so lucky to have been able to share the stage with many powerful Asian women and tell the stories of our ancestors.
Being cast in the Asia tour meant I had the unique opportunity to travel the world and perform in front of thousands of people each night in Manila, Taiwan, and Singapore. It was such a surreal experience combining travel and performing all at once and I could not be more grateful to have been part of the show in this capacity. Having this be my first professional musical at such a young age and being away from home for the first time provided me with so much personal growth and elevated my skills as a performer.
Can you share the greatest highlights from working on this production?
It was an incredible honour to perform amongst a culturally diverse group of performers. I am grateful to have worked alongside those who were able to approach the story of Miss Saigon with immense respect and truth-telling as many of our ancestors had experienced elements of the show’s story in real life. Being part of this diverse cast and touring internationally allowed me to develop my worldview and broadened my perspective as a performer. It reminded me that we must always approach stories with integrity and appreciate everyone’s historical and cultural background as no two people are ever the same.
You recently received your Diploma of Musical Theatre from NIDA, what are some of the skills you attained from this course that helped you prepare for your role in Miss Saigon?
NIDA goes beyond the teachings of singing, acting, and dancing. The Diploma of Musical Theatre enhanced my confidence as a performer and individual as it challenged my own individual approach to performing and taught me to think outside the box. I have also learnt that soft skills are just as important. During my time at NIDA, I learnt to maintain a positive work ethic and understand the value of collaboration. This allowed me to actively engage in ensemble work with confidence which is extremely important when adapting to a dynamic and fast-paced environment. I believe that NIDA also instilled a deep sense of discipline and agency in me which has proven to be integral to working in a professional theatre environment. These skills are invaluable and create multi-faceted performers.
Why did you decide to pursue your Diploma of Musical Theatre at NIDA?
I always had a passion for the arts and musical theatre growing up. I predominantly grew up as a dancer so singing and acting were never really part of my forte. It wasn’t until I started watching more musicals that I really admired the work of professional performers and thought about pursuing this line of work. It took the encouragement of my high school drama teacher to work towards applying to NIDA which meant building up my experience.
In 2022, I performed in my first musical, joined the NIDA Young Actors Studio, and started taking singing lessons. I knew from day one of the Young Actors Studio that NIDA was the place for me. Ultimately, I chose to study at NIDA because it is a leading performing arts institution in Australia providing unparalleled training and experience. It gave me everything that I needed to succeed in the industry and challenged me beyond measure.
What were some of your favourite things about studying at NIDA?
Beyond the skills and experience it gave me, my favourite thing about NIDA was working and learning alongside people with similar goals and aspirations. I learnt from the best of the best and had incredible mentors who were leading industry professionals. The environment facilitated significant growth and creativity whilst being immensely enjoyable. I am extremely grateful for my time at NIDA.
What advice would you give to aspiring musical theatre actors considering the Diploma of Musical Theatre course at NIDA?
Go for it and give it your all. As I have mentioned, it is an incredible environment that will push the existing boundaries that you have as a performer and open you up to new opportunities including learning things about yourself that you would not have otherwise known. The days will be challenging but more importantly, they will be filled with fun and creativity.
What’s next for you?
I will keep working hard through training and auditioning. Hopefully, many more shows are on the horizon!